What is the meaning of double entry system

Every business transactions have two-fold aspects debit and credit a system of accounting in which

 both the aspects  of  each transaction are  recorded  as per prescribed  rules is called double  entry


Double entry system

According  to Carter- “Double entry is a system of bookkeeping  by mean of both personal and 

impersonal accounts”

 WILLIAM PICKLES:-“In double-entry, every transaction  comprises  two aspects, the 

one aspect are the receiver and the other aspects are gives the account  of the receiver  is debited  and 

that of the giver is credited”

 PICKLES AND DUNKERLES:-The system  of book-keeping which is at the most  

universally Employed is that where  every  debit  has a credit”  

On the basis of above, double entry system may be defined” as a system of accounting 

 in which out of the two aspects  of transactions  one aspect  is debtor and other is credit